O, Thou Hast Damnable Iteration
Sunday, October 29, 2006

I'm midway through Richard Dawkins' The God Delusion. Fascinating. Refreshing after six years of homeschooling by the Bush's and the Cheney's -- even if you're not converted to atheism.
I confess I've watched Dawkins' appearance on The Colbert Report about ten times. Two geniuses at this table? At the very least, seven minutes of the best television I've seen in some time:
Here's a blogger who's collated Dawkins' British broadcast called The Root Of All Evil. I don't think this documentary is going to make it onto American TV. (It's not on the Netflix horizon either.) His encounters with evangelicals in the South are frightening -- filled with violent expectancy.
Here's an internet find. Google videos is carrying his 1987 BBC broadcast The Blind Watchmaker. Wonderful for illustrating why Natural Selection should not be considered a random process: