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Theater, Books, Opinion, Milwaukee

The Departed

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Some statistics about Martin Scorcese's The Departed:

Number of clients the police psychiatrist character has a personal relationship with: 2

Rank of Mark Wahlberg -- sharing time with DiCaprio, Nicholson, Baldwin, Damon, and Sheen -- in terms of screen presence: 1

Rank of DiCaprio's performance as an actor: 1

Number of dialogue surprises and innovative characterizations in the first half of the movie: lost count

In the second half: 0

Number of characters shot in the head in the second half: lost count

Scenes supporting the presence of androgens, including testosterone, in the male characters: all

Scenes suggesting those hormones are implicated not just in violence but in the natural, pleasurable, female-directed act of procreation: maybe one? maybe?

This might be wishful thinking but I'm wondering if others aren't experiencing violent resolutions to interesting conflicts as superficial. Witness the popularity of Law & Order, where the violence usually takes place first and the resolution usually involves thought, cleverness, character.

posted by Petey, 1:36 PM


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