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Theater, Books, Opinion, Milwaukee

Merchant Revisited

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Saw Loose Canon's The Merchant Of Venice again last night. My mother after we went out to dinner said "Let's drive by the theater and see if they're getting a good crowd." When we got there she said "Oh, let's just go in". She's hooked.

Seeing the same theater piece several times is always interesting. I used to do it quite a bit when I worked at The Rep.

Last night -- equally compelling. See my review a week ago. Still, a different crowd, a different theater space, a different moment. As a zen teacher said, they climbed a different mountain.
posted by Petey, 11:23 AM


I feel the same way about watching movies Always a small little difference about the atmosphere plus your own thinking. The second time around you can look past the aesthetics and try to get into the directors mindset!
commented by Blogger Jessica, 12:49 PM  

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