Wordwise, It's Time For "Opensure"
Thursday, August 24, 2006
It's time to consider "opensure". The nicens at LezBeOut.com think so too. From When She Leaves: 12 Ways To Mend A Broken Heart:
I can't find my rhetorical quarry in the blog of said brother, but in Give Me Monsters and I will slay them he informs:
Even at 44 -- I can adjust. (Whoever Zooey is, I hope she's of legal age, fantasywise.)
Opensure is, or was, a rock band in Orange County, CA fronted by one Ryan Chapelle. If the solo career deflates go back to the band title, Ryan.
Psychotherapist Mira Kirshenbaum has written EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON. Nevermind the subtle tautological aspect of the title (less generously: a fallacy), we're flacking for a word, here. From the blurb on Zooba:
You want closure? I don't believe in it. It's not closure. It's opensure. Opening an unhealed wound. Don't do it. Is there a reason to call and ask why he/she broke up with you? Yes, if you want to feel more pain. There's time for this tomorrow (and when tomorrow comes, you won't care to know the answer).Raspberrysundae -- bewitched, bothered and bitten -- in one of her bursts of berry goodness has been open to falling from grace:
i like the word opensure. my little brother - he's a smart one, that guy.I like "le sigh" at the end of her posts.
I can't find my rhetorical quarry in the blog of said brother, but in Give Me Monsters and I will slay them he informs:
- Anna Kournikova is no longer cool to have as your imaginary crush. Try like Jessica Alba or something. Ohh...Zooey Dashchnel or however you spell her name.

Opensure is, or was, a rock band in Orange County, CA fronted by one Ryan Chapelle. If the solo career deflates go back to the band title, Ryan.
Psychotherapist Mira Kirshenbaum has written EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON. Nevermind the subtle tautological aspect of the title (less generously: a fallacy), we're flacking for a word, here. From the blurb on Zooba:
[Kirshenbaum] turns a platitude into a profound principle of self-understanding...and guides you toward, not closure, but "opensure" -- an acceptance that focuses energy on the future.Why not? A working definition: acceptance that focuses energy on the future. It can be positive energy. Or negative capability. Opensure has more pop than "openness"-ness-ness. How many n's in that word, anyway? And let's change "closure" to "death".
commented by
Unknown, 2:09 AM

Hi Ridley. Thanks for the comment. I'm an old geezer new to blogging and just figured out Firefox has a search feature. I should have been able to find "opensure" myself. I like your post, and "opensure" -- exactly for those times like asking a woman "are you my girlfriend?"
Thanks for the link!