Another Visitor
Friday, December 15, 2006

While I was stringing some Christmas lights outside this afternoon a bird flew up the driveway at high speed and perched on the neighbor's fence. I managed to get this picture.
It's a female Cooper's Hawk. She flew to the top of a telephone pole and back to the fence several times. Note the neighbor's bird feeder in the background.
The extraordinary thing is the silence when she's around. The sky is empty of pigeons and sparrows and there isn't a squirrel or rabbit in sight.

Here's a stock photo that's the spitting image of her.
It's Been Right There All Along
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Research Royale
Sunday, December 03, 2006

He's kind of dopey looking, but his body's fantastic -- just like us! (Well, not me -- I look more like Judi Dench.)
He saves the world from multicultural! terrorists by PLAYING TEXAS HOLDEM! (Not online, though. And not very well. You won't catch me with "Heinz 57" (7-5 suited) in a hand like that.)
He has his balls whipped by a guy with a French name and a Hitler haircut.
The practical, secretly loyal, and hot hot hot Eva Green tells him she'll love him no matter the condition of his testicles.
What a mirror! What box office!