A Fan And A Supporter
Sunday, August 16, 2009
I wanted just to receive Sarah Palin's Facebook missives but I fear I'm now listed as a "fan" and among her "supporters". Am I right? I was supposed to just subscribe to her notes? I feel like an elderly Florida Jewish woman pressing a ballot to my forehead and accidentally voting for Pat Buchanan.
I hope I can sort this out and that Facebook isn't guilty of offering a false dilemma. I want to be able to choose among "Subscribe", "Fan" and "Support". It's bad enough we can only have "Friends" and not "People I Want To Keep Tabs On For Whatever Reason".
I'm a fan of Mel Gibson but I don't want to be viewed as supporting him. I'm a supporter of nearly all fast food chains but not a fan. I would subscribe to Bernie Madoff's notes from prison if he were allowed to use Facebook but I wouldn't want to be anywhere near the words "fan" or "supporter".
I am a fan of Maureen Dowd and a supporter through my purchases of the Sunday New York Times. I see "Modo" has in today's op ed made an excellent semantic data compression by calling Sarah Barracuda, "Sarahcuda". I was on that one a long time ago.
While sorting out this death panel nonsense Maureen Dowd mentions the movie Logan's Run. I would never be able to call forth that excellent illuminating reference because in Logan's Run, if you watch carefully, you can see a woman's ass cheeks. (The movie has a euthanasia theme? Really?)
I'm going to allow myself to be listed as a fan and supporter of Sarah Palin because I want to try to figure out, without the benefit of computer-driven textual analysis, whether she's actually writing her own Facebook Notes.
Also, I secretly root for her and I don't know why.
Also, I want to make clever remarks on "secondary meanings" and such. For example: In my view the most important sentence in all of her recent notes is this: Yesterday President Obama responded to my statement... The rest of the sentence, paragraph, note can't compare to the power of these words for a woman fighting for legitimacy in the national dialogue.
Score one for the "Sarahsaurus" <==invoking both dinosaurs coexisting with humans and a thesaurus.