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Theater, Books, Opinion, Milwaukee

Combining Two Things We Love (imported from my Hamlet blog)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Combining two things we love, wine (with cheese) and figurative language...Gary Vaynerchuk describing a bottle of red wine, the 2004 Razon Valascro:
hit a deer on the road...let it fall down....throw a bunch of cherries on it...take out your knife that you always have on you....cut the deer....bite it....that's the flavor profile
posted by Petey, 1:40 PM


1:00 - Wine and the Saints. What a natural combination.

3:30 - Can I really watch Gary for the next 15 minutes? We'll see.

4:30 - Clean that pallate Gary! I'll show you some 99 H2O baby!

5:00 - Jersey? Really? Have they heard of wine and cheese there.

5:30 - Say something controversial Gary. Please. ... oh.

6:00 - Cat piss. Such a classic flavor profile.

6:45 - Take 2. They're small.

8:52 - Let's move on. Really.

10:05 - Bring on the roadkill! (How'd you make it this far, Peter?)

12:30 - Hit it out of the park Gaer!

13:20 - Oh, come on. Swallow for once!

13:50 - "Falls a little flabby. Finishes a little soft." Hits a little too close to home.

15:25 - "Yellowtail is killing the wine market." Um. I love yellowtail.

16:50 - WLTV. The place to be.
commented by Anonymous Drew, 2:12 AM  

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