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Theater, Books, Opinion, Milwaukee


Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Photo by OmniNeon.

Tom Haudricourt writes today in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 10 Reasons The Brewers Lost The NL Central. Reason Number 1: "Blowing Leads". I could read no more. How do you get that writing gig?

Speaking of begging the question, I'm begging for questions.

What effect does having the figure of a lovable loser as the voice of the Brewers have on performance? I'm speaking of course about Bob Uecker, a constant presence over decades of flapping and flopping. Couldn't some pop psychologist address this? Ned Yost clearly exhibits some kind of self-defeating personality traits. Is he afraid that by winning he'll lose the love of Brewers fans?

This year's team couldn't hold a lead in the eighth and ninth innings, right after the Sausage Race (run during the seventh inning stretch). Does the Sausage Race carry a powerful secondary meaning like "we're idiots?"

Wait a minute, strike that. I see this year's team posted the best home W-L record in the Majors.

Does the Sausage Race carry a powerful secondary meaning like "WIENIES UP"?

And how do we duplicate that on the road?

Photo by compujeramey.
posted by Petey, 10:06 PM


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