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Theater, Books, Opinion, Milwaukee

Zeitgeist: Men Steal Batteries, Women Steal Meat

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

From Slate yesterday:
According to the Food Marketing Institute, meat was the most shoplifted item in America's grocery stores in 2005.
Apparently, the "Black Angus" stamp on beef triggers the impulse. For men, batteries are the most targeted item, but overall it's meat.

As the son of a retail butcher, having grown up with tales of meatlifting, I say unequivocably that the smoked hamhock I simmered in black beans last week was better than anything ever stamped "Black Angus" -- and more portable than a porterhouse.

Speaking of ham -- the Academy Awards nominations have given some validation to Petesophizing by recognizing Mark Wahlberg's performance in The Departed.

Like looking at tree rings, you can tell your age by counting the Best Picture nominees you've seen. For a decade I was at three out of five. This year, two -- The Departed and Little Miss Sunshine

This morning I saw the headline JT Pounds One Down For Mom and thought I'd catch up on James Taylor. Alas -- "JT" is Justin Timberlake now.
posted by Petey, 12:58 PM


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