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Theater, Books, Opinion, Milwaukee

Hello Muddah Hello Faddah

Monday, January 28, 2008

A link to a quick read, the seminal essay on a Freudian (Oedipal) interpretation of Hamlet, by Ernest Jones:
The Oedipus-Complex as An Explanation of Hamlet's Mystery: A Study in Motive
Interesting for my purposes: Jones remarks on Hamlet's unrestrained contempt for Polonius:
It is here that we see his fundamental attitude towards moralising elders who use their power to thwart the happiness of the young...
In other words, I'm an old man standing in the way of my child's (erotic) fulfillment, an Oedipal situation without incestuous restraints for Hamlet.

This essay is famous and worth reading.

Also -- whether you value psychoanalysis/psychiatry/psychology or not, it's pretty cool that one of the great theories of the mind was inspired by trips to the theater: Freud's documented attendance at several staged versions of the Oedipus story.
posted by Petey, 11:35 PM


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